
May 07, 2019


     Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today we’re gonna talk about plagiarism, especially in colleges. Plagiarism is the unethical act of stealing ideas, thoughts, and feelings from others without giving the author proper credit. Many people think of plagiarism as copying another people’s work or content, or borrowing someone else’s original ideas. But terms like that can disguise the seriousness of the offense. With the development of technology at this time, people can easily imitate or steal other people’s work or content without being noticed and access the internet without any limitation. Plagiarism is a major problem in colleges around the world, a student may be permitted or even encouraged to use the work of another person without giving recognition to that person's work. However, in academic culture, there is a tradition to respect ownership rights to ideas namely that ideas are considered as personal property. 
     Every time students use the words or content of other person, students must respect the writer or the creator by mentioning the work in which the words have been. In fact, every time students use only ideas from other people, or paraphrase or rework the ideas of other person, students must respect the author. If not, then students can be said to have committed serious academic crimes, plagiarism. Because plagiarism violates the ethical code of writer or creator. All procedures carried out in activities by all those who can be categorized as author or are designed to fulfill two moral principles, truth  and honesty. Plagiarism is a despicable act because it can harm the original author, deceive the reader, deceive the public, and reduce self-integrity. Plagiarism is taboo in all universities in the world and for anyone, harms others whose work or ideas are stolen, and damages the reputation of universities. According to Soelistyo (2011) there are several types of plagiarism:

  •   Word for word plagiarism. The author uses the words of other authors (exactly) without mentioning the source.
  •  Plagiarism of Source. The author uses the ideas of others without giving sufficient recognition (without clearly mentioning the source).
  • Plagiarism of Authorship. The author acknowledges as the author of other people's works of writing.
  • Self Plagiarism. Included in this type is the author publishes one article in more than one editorial publication. And recycle papers / scientific works.
     But before we take any conclusion, we need to find out why did people do plagiarism. Some plagiarism acts around us. Of course this is enough to concern us all, so it is very important for us to anticipate this action. The act of plagiarism will tarnish and blur our academic world and not be excessive if plagiarism is said to be an intellectual crime. There are several trigger reasons or driving factors for plagiarism. The limited time to complete a work, so it's encouraged someone to copy-paste the work of others, the low reading interest and interest in analyzing the reference sources owned, and the lack of attention from teachers or lecturers on the issue of plagiarism. Whatever the reason a person makes to do act of plagiarism, is not a justification for this action. There’s several tips to help us do our research and find ideas to make something,

  1. Determine the book you want to read as your references
  2. Provide some small paper (about the size of a pocket) and put it together with a clip
  3. Write the title of the book, the author, the publisher, the year of publication, the place of publication, the number of pages on the smallest front paper
  4. While reading a book, copy the main idea that you got on the small papers.
  5. After you finish reading the book, you focus on your notes
  6. When writing an article, then if you want to quote from the book you have read, focus on the note paper.
  7. Develop your own sentence from the notes you made.
  8. For art or material content, you can visit a place for brainstorming, like museum, scenery, or even people and environment by watching or even included to an event to gain new experiences.
    We, as a student should be ashamed to do such act that can harms other people works and ideas, we, as a student should be respect other people’s work, they put their hardwork, ideas, and their hard to their work. And we stole it like it was nothing, like it was just a piece material that we can just take easily and said “this is mine”, no. WE ARE STUDENT, we are student meant to be creative, innovative, we have a lot of ideas and content in our mind, but many of us are too lazy to do such thing like thinking, lazy to use their brain to find or make something new and original, AGAIN we are student, we are not robot that in order to keep making same thing over and over again, we are independent youngmen with skull, bones, flesh, and brain. We are the future of the world, we are the next generation that should bring something new so our previous generation can be proud of us. We can make something new, we can find something new that anyone never seen before, don’t let this advanced technology indulge us, don’t let them take control over us, we are the one that should take control over them, use them as our weapon to create something, not the other way around. It is never too late to start, like the First President of Indonesia, Soekarno qoutes “A thousand of old man are just able to dream, but a young man is able to change the world” and “Give me a 1000 men, I'll move the mountain. Give me 10 young men, I'll shake the world”. Don’t let him down, don’t let yourself down and regret it in the future. This is my final words, We are a ghost dviring a meat coated skeleton made from stardust ridingn a rock floating through space, fear nothing. Thank you.

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